Nr. 002

Magazine Nr. 002


Faces and expressions


For the past few months I have been playing around with different expressions and trying to find ways to show emotions trough drawings. It resulted in many trials and many hours of drawing face after face, and it was really fun. When drawing or creating something I often find myself censoring or editing and reviewing what I’m doing while I’m doing it, instead of playing around and then reflecting on it. Drawing with charcoal’s been a very good exercise in just that; trusting the process and not trying to control every single step of the way. 


Faces and expressions



Some of our favorite books on art, creativity and discipline. 

For the past few years my thoughts on creativity has really changed. It used to be something that I saw as fleeting and almost magical. I had so much respect for inspiration and creativity that I didn’t dare to challenge or experiment with it. Now my thoughts are more clean in a way, I don’t see creativity and inspiration as something magical or mysterious. For me, inspiration comes trough the work and not the other way around. Relying on a feeling is not sustainable, I have to find ways to keep going regardless of how I feel. These things are easy to say and write but so much harder to really implement in the daily rituals and systems that one has. I still struggle with it a lot but with time and focus some things do get easier. Finding ways to keep showing up and doing the work, whether that’s writing or playing an instrument or painting, is the hardest part. It’s like exercising, staying in bed is so much more comfortable than getting up and going for that run, but once you get into the habit of doing it it becomes easier. Setting realistic expectations and being honest with myself was also the key to understanding how I can boost my creativity trough discipline and consistency. Working in a creative field is very freeing in many ways but also a huge exercise in discipline and accountability. That’s why reading about it can be really eye opening and it’s nice to realize that other people struggle with he exact same thing. And also, getting hands-on advice from people who’ve been brought the thick of it is also really valuable. 


Nr. 001

Magazine Nr. 001


What is Goji Arthouse Magazine?


This is where we gather stories, interviews, pictures, bts and other snip bits from our lives. Here we´ll post about things that interest us, upcoming events and projects. This is also a place to explore ideas and discuss all kids of things with all kinds of people. We´ll have guests and people who in different ways inspire us and who we find interesting. And also just talk about every day life and take you with us trough our days. Subscribe to our newsletter and you´ll be notified whenever we release a new issue!


What is Goji Arthouse Magazine?


Charcoal and rallare

Last summer we visited the beautiful Abisko for some fishing and hiking. We wandered along the old Rallarleden and found the most beautiful spots. Rallarleden is an old road used by the railway workers, or rallare, in the 1800 and early 1900. Over a hundred years ago they started building the railway between Kiruna in Sweden and Narvik in Norway. The road in Abisko was used to transport materials to the railway by horse and carriage. 

Inspired by the nature and rallare we started playing around with charcoal.

Charcoal and rallare